Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Special Thank You for a Very Special Person

In our family we have had a Mother's Day tradition where my mother, sister and I go to the movies while the men in the family stay home with the kids and prepare dinner for us.  Last year, was my first Mother's Day after Julia's diagnosis.  In fact it was exactly 6 months since Julia's diagnosis.  Everyone came to our house and I left Julia here with Bubba and the rest of the family.
This year, Bubba had to work and I wasn't exactly sure how it would all work out.  Those who know me know I don't like to ask for help.  I am also not a big fan of giving up control.  There has been a family member who has looked out for Julia since her diagnosis.  He has stepped in and asked to be shown how to care for her with out me ever asking if he wanted to.  In fact he is the only person besides Bubba or myself to give Julia an injection.  He is my brother who also happens to be Julia's godfather and I appreciate him very much.
Julia & Uncle Tony at the JDRF walk in November
Usually if I am leaving Julia with someone, I also leave very detailed directions including carb counts for any food that may be eaten,.  On Sunday, I went to the movies with my sister and my mom and he took care of everything.  I told him where her supply bag was and that was it.  He measured food.  He checked her blood sugar.  He bolused her snack.  He even handled a low.  It was the best Mother's Day gift I ever could have asked for if I would have asked.  Thanks Tony, you are the best!


  1. Wow. I am one proud mom. You both have given me a great gift, too. It is the gift of your love for one another. "Bro and Sis" forever.

  2. Hi Diane,

    I was wondering if you accepted any guest posting on your site. I couldn’t manage to find your email on the site. If you could get a hold of me at, I would greatly appreciate it!

