Monday, August 20, 2012

Sometimes Diabetes Hurts

We have been having a great time lately and I have so many drafts about the exciting things we have been doing.  Camp, Catalina, Hawaii and all the while diabetes is with us.  But today was not fun.

We did a site change this morning and things at lunch appeared fine.  But by the time dinner rolled around (at my mom & dad's house) it became obvious that things were not fine.  Her BG kept creeping up and ketones were starting to appear.  So I reached into our handy dandy backpack and guess what? No new set.  As I mentioned, we have been traveling and packing very carefully for airport security and plane flights.  And we made a mistake.  Things were moved around and the back up sets got moved to another place.  Luckily I had syringes so I was able to do the correction, cover dinner and account for her basal insulin with a couple shots.  Julia does not like shots but she did what we had to do.  

When we arrived home, we put on a new site and got tucked in for bed.  She started telling me how she wishes her life wasn't so much about diabetes.  She wished that it didn't take up so much of her time.  She doesn't like having to explain to friends what she is doing and what all her stuff is for.  She asked if we can please go to family winter camp because there everyone gets it.  It hurt to listen to the sadness in her voice and to know at 7 she has a long road ahead with diabetes.

That wasn't what hurt the most though.  The moment that hit my heart was when I went to check her just now.  She was half asleep and rolled over and asked what I was doing.  I told her that I was there to check her number to see how she was doing.  She rolled over gave me her hand, puckered her lips so I would give her a kiss and said, "Thanks, Mom."

Friday, August 3, 2012

Magic Numbers

There are some number I absolutely love to see.
Do you see the time stamp on that? 2:01 am When I see that number at that time, it starts a whole bunch of questions.  Is she dropping? Should I set a temp basal reduction? Should I give her a little something to hold her over?  Do I just let it go? 

Last night I chose to just let it go.  This morning we woke up to this

Woo Hoo!  Diabetes win for us!