Monday, January 16, 2012

1 Year of Blogging

One year ago today I started this blog because I felt lost.  My daughter had been diagnosed with diabetes and I was overwhelmed.  Then, she got sick for the first time since diagnosis.  I had all of these thoughts and feelings flying around in my head and I knew if I didn't get them out, I would go crazy.  So I wrote about those scary 24 hours and I felt better.
Things have come a long way in a year.  We have come a long way in a year.  Are there times I still feel overwhelmed by diabetes? Of course.  But now I have found a whole community of people who understand what I am going through and help me to see we are not alone.  I have also gained confidence in my ability to care for my daughter.  Are there times that I feel confused? Of course.  But now I know that is how it will be with diabetes.  Diabetes doesn't always make sense and the more I accept that the easier my road is.
Thank you for being a part of our journey so far and I hope you continue with us on Our Type 1 Trip...


  1. Happy Blog-aversary!!

  2. Glad the year's under your belt and you're making lots of progress!

    1. It is hard to believe it has been a year and at the same time it feels like forever

  3. I can so relate to your post. Glad you're doing well! Together, we can do this!

    1. I am there for you & you are there for me! Love that!
